Close out the summer on a delicious note with our Lobster Paccheri recipe. Perfectly tender pasta and succulent lobster come...
Our Tagliatelle with Asparagus, Ricotta, Crispy Prosciutto in a Pesto Sauce combines the fresh flavors of asparagus and pesto with...
Prepare to be transported to the sun-kissed flavors of Italy with Cucina Cipoletti's Tagliatelle paired with our favorite Bolognese sauce...
Inspired by the sun-drenched hillsides and the tantalizing flavors of Southern Italy, here’s our Lemon, Spinach Ricotta Spaghettoni recipe that...
As a lover of authentic Italian pasta dishes, I've crafted this recipe to honor tradition while showcasing my favorite flavors....
Embark on a culinary journey with Cucina Cipoletti Stuffed & Baked Paccheri, a dish that embodies the heart and soul...